Sunday, April 13, 2008

survey says...

this weeks sermon was what sparks your salivary glands. is it the food in:
1. your desk draw
2. the freezer (i hide the good stuff behind the veggies & then eat it when everyone else has forgotten about it)
3. the kitchen counter top
4. your car
5. the pantry
6. the fridge (i.e., put good food in front of whip cream)
7. office kitchen - I think this was an option???
8. Blank!!
we were not made to form into small groups. instead, we were given 6.9 seconds to come up with 3 solutions on how to fix the spark. (i.e., put a mouse trap in your desk drawer instead of a little debbie).
it was effective. i have 7 stitches in my finger due to the trap.
miss gaily

PS: miss bridget's evan did not know what an oreo was!

1 comment:

bridget said...

ok- you were NOT asleep!

i just wanted to check in, before i delve into kid's world once again this week! weekend was crazy, but i loved it! saturday was sports day, many field/courts in one day. And luckily, my hubby was thinking ahead (before me:) on thursday he realized that over lunch we were going to be between two fields - he was probably hoping for chick-fil-a, but instead(since i had the advance warning) i dropped my butt into giant on friday got cold cuts and before i went to class on sat morning - i made us an assortment of sandwiches! and this allowed me to stay "on" for saturday...will give some credit for that success to dave!

yesterday, slower day - but at least good, cause dave and i introduced ourselves to each other ;) time alone is so rare!

and i am taking a few moments before i plunge into this week (in a few hours i will be at 1st grade environmental field trip!) and then the week spins from there. but i AM FEELING "ON" - i've been carry the palm and keeping track of what i'm eating. with the crazy schedule there is no need for me to feel like crap! and when i make poor food choices, or hit one too many fast food choices, i feel like CRAP - and i am choosing not to put myself and my family thru that!

keeping on...

PS: so, friday at my ww staff meeting we got put into small groups! yes, i know you are all happy about that...payback is great, yada yada yada!

yes, a bunch of leaders rolled their eyes and did the assigned task - but sorry to say, even though i myself hate to begin working in a small group, i still support them, because some good ideas came out of that group ;)
so, is this good news or bad news for you...hmmm...perspective!