Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I just can't get with it. I need help. I wish I could go to the Thurday night meetings and meet you all in person and have that support. UGH I know I need to help myself before anyone else can help me, it is just so hard!! Why can't I just wake up in the morning and all the unwanted weight be gone. Is there any magic pill for that??????????? Missed my meeting this morning again. Going to check the WW website and find out when the next one is today, and I will be going. I haven't gone in three weeks. I will go today, I WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!


Stolidoli said...

We'll do a group dinner at Applebee's or something one night - anyway, today is a new day!!!! Don't give up!

bridget said...

you know...thtt question was posed to me on the very first night of my leader training..."if you woke up tomorrow at your desired weight, what would you do?"

it doesn't work that way and it's not suppose to - we are not only learning to lose the weight but to keep it off, thru the good, bad and ugly!

today is a new day, filled with many opportunities - snag one!

thinking of you...