Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Blog names

Okay.... so how do any of these sound for a b*&%in blog name:

livin la vida lighta

waistin away in margartaville

i feel the scale move under my feet

brownies call my name

my brownie lies over the ocean

lite bitchin babes

bridget unplugged

bridget lite

remember.....sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me. i know who i am. you know are you are. it doesn't matter what we call our blog, it just matters that we blog.

Ralph Marston
Your goals, minus your doubts, equal your reality.

1 comment:

bridget said...

unplugged i will be...

ok - i truly hate these times of the's seems like a cruel joke; you're feeling good, making good choices, getting out and being active and then you walk by a mirror and you see WATER RETENTION!!!!! it makes me want to eat the stupid cookies i've been saying no to, devour the chocolate candy so that it will no longer annoy me (and only me) in the house, have three chicken breasts with dinner HA HA!

ok ok ok can't throw away what i need the most for what i want this moment (hint hint preview for tonight).

ok - i've slathered myself in my arbonne phyto relief cream and vented here, so i feel ok. i will NOT go eat those cookies that are left, bloated or no bloated!!!!!!

but still, what was God thinking with this whole cycle thing??